Frequently Asked Questions

How quickly can you set up my lead generation account?

Simply click on the plan you require; register some basic details and we’ll send an email to verify your account. You can be generating business leads inside of 5 minutes.

Do I have to share my personal LinkedIn log in details with you?

No. Unlike other providers, you are in total control of your account, we simply and effectively help you generate leads and nurture contacts via a chrome extension. It’s a simple plug & play solution.

Can I cancel my subscription?

Of course! We have a customer retention rate of 96% as MyRobot is such a simple and efficient sales lead generation tool. But if you do wish to unsubscribe, simply email us and we’ll remove you from the system after the next payment cycle. You’ll receive email confirmation once that has taken place.

What service support do you have?

Firstly, you’re in good hands. We have a 5-star customer service rating. The solution is very robust with a 98% upload time. If you’re unsure how to perform a certain action, you can either watch one of video tutorials or contact our support team at we’re happy to help!